UXDI | Case Study
Everything Food is an existing e-commerce platform that lets everyday shoppers instantly purchase produce, check for quality, transparency, and traceability of products in the food chain and compare them online or locally. To innovate and enrich their customer's experience, EF partnered up with top registered dietitian nutritionists to offer custom nutrition plans. Our task was to investigate, compare, research and analyze a variety of platforms promoting healthy food products, and develop a responsive mobile version of nutrition plans rollout that will be available early next year.
Client | Everything Food
Role | Lead UX Designer
Platform | Mobile First/Web
Duration | 2 - Weeks (Agile)
Tools | Figma, Sketch, InVision, Miro, Photoshop & Usertestings.com
Team | Serge Pikhotskiy, Blair Morgan & Kyle Houston
The Approach
We needed to analyze the direct and indirect competition to isolate and identify some of the industry standard trends (Complete C&C Analysis). To gain additional insights and better understand our target demographics, we've interviewed 11 users (ages 21-60). We wanted to understand people's motivations to start a diet plan, what users wanted to get from the plan, how they found out about their plans, if the cost met the value of the plan, and what their expectations were before trying out the plan.
Understanding The Demographics
While interviewing our participants, we discovered that there were two types of users. Users who were currently using a diet plan or have used one in the past, and users who have never been exposed to one. To portray actual stories of these two groups, we wanted to visualize them through our personas, Matt & Casey.

Key Findings
After analyzing and synthesizing data from user interviews, we've looked for common clues, patterns, and similarities and were able to determine some of the important key insights:
❖ People wanted a way to customize plans based on their food preferences and dietary restrictions
❖ Users wanted to see recipes that aligned with their custom food preferences.
❖ Many wanted to establish a social connection with their friends, online community, or users with similar goals.
❖ Being able to track their progress in their current plans was a desired feature.
❖ Many enjoyed gamification that their plans had included, such as badges or streaks, for achieving something good. This helped users feel motivated and stay on track with their goals
To further understand our user's needs, expectations, and wants, we've developed a behavioral blueprint, that would help us visualize and define how our customers may interact with the product and services.
Matt and Casey need a platform that would help them form better-eating habits because plans they’ve tried in the past failed at helping them achieve their goals and desired results
❖ Being able to customize nutrition plans and adjust food preferences based on user's diet choices.
❖ The ability to browse recipes that are part of user's tailored plans.
❖ A way to track progress and log daily meals.
❖ A quick and easy way of adding tailored plan ingredients to a cart.
Usability Testings
We used these tests as a way to validate or invalidate our designs and found that all five users preferred the term nutrition plan versus diet or lifestyle. We also discovered that users didn’t mind having the plans presented to them upfront as part of the onboarding process. The next few slides are going to break down the updates we made between versions of our mid-fi prototype, starting with this onboarding screen.
Interactive Prototype
After multiple design iterations, we were finally able to put together a functioning prototype. Since there are some new features that we would like to include in the next version of our prototype, we will continue refining and improving the design and functionality in the next few weeks.
Next Steps
❖ Having a support system was voiced by our users as a crucial feature for the success of sticking to a plan, so we thought it would be valuable for Everything Food to include this as an exclusive feature for their nutrition plans as it would help maintain customer retention and create a more positive experience for the user.
❖ Users would ideally like to be paired with others doing the same plan that they are, so there are some technical hurdles here. For example, there would need to be a database on the back end at Everything Food for this to happen.
❖ The idea we had was to utilize the Everything Food logo - specifically the tree portion, as a way for Everything Food to gamify their nutrition plans and other services they offer. The leaves would equate to points users could earn every time they logged a meal, shared a recipe on social media, or sent a message to their support group. For example, during the first week of the course, the tree would grow or gain leaves based on the number of leaf points the user earned, which they could turn in for a reward.